Tuesday 24 March 2009

We are so lucky.....................
Out of adversity we have the ability to become great. When one looks around and sees the amount of problems that face us in the world to day it only stands to reason that when we solve them we are going to learn some truly amazing lessons. Keep moving forward and keep optimistic and that's a reminder not just to you lot but to myself..................

Thursday 12 February 2009


So today's Question is regarding Love.......
As always still as confusing as ever. When heartbreak comes your way you start to consider this subject more and more closely until you either reach a conclusion or go mad trying.
Love in its truest form is unconditional that is to say basically that the person in question has the right to be themselves. ie. Drink to much , smoke , not be financially stable... or for that matter be mentally stable . The response is to continue to love that person regardless. There are many out there who talk about unconditional Love as though they own the copyright on it. At the end of the day why do they fall out of love as soon as they find your habits or faults to tricky. In fact if that love is unconditional why do they fall out of love at all............ mmmmmmm.........

Friday 6 February 2009

Life of a Brighton Artist

Hello and welscome to Brighton Artist online Diary.
Where to start......................
I think that now is a good time to start writing mainly in a cathartic way to unravel my thoughts as an artist who has now lived in Brighton for some 12 years.
I intend to take you the viewer on a journey through the joys and also the struggles of a working artist living in Brighton using both imagery and words.